Loading a token on your Landis Gyr meter
When the credit on your meter is running low the Alarm indicator ! will be displayed. Please make a payment to STss. (Please note: EFT payments and deposits will take 24 hours to reflect.) Once the payment has reflected, you can request an electricity token.
You will receive an sms providing you with your electricity token number. Using the keypad of your meter, key in this token number. As you enter each number, they will appear on the LCD display, the J will flash with and you will hear a “beep” with each key press. This allows you to check the numbers as you enter them If you make a mistake use the backspace key to remove the rightmost number. Press the backspace key twice quickly to remove all the entered numbers.
When you have entered the 20 digit token number, the meter with automatically validate the entry. The keypad will lock. The voucher will be processes then the keypad will unlock.
If everything is correct, the token number will be accepted and a scrolling credit wedge is displayed. The number of available unit will increase to reflect the newly loaded units.